ETA-Cash/EZPartner Terms of Service You must agree to all terms and conditions for both programs before you signup! |
The following terms and conditions reflects the obligations of you and Webtwo B.V. when you use Webtwo B.V. ETA-Cash program to promote Webtwo B.V. websites. All conditions must be adhered to, and are legally binding. You are responsible for reading and respecting all the conditions defined by Webtwo B.V. If the conditions are not respected, your account will be terminated and the payment void. No warnings will be issued, and no reasons or excuses will be accepted. The following describes the general conditions that have to be followed by Webtwo B.V. and you, independently of the specific program used by you to promote Webtwo B.V.'s websites. GENERAL: 1. To link to our sites, you may only use banners/textlinks designed or approved by Webtwo B.V.. The surfer has to click on the banner/textlink promoting a specific site from Webtwo B.V. for that site to be loaded. Webtwo B.V. must at all time be able to track your hits and visit the websites from where the visitors are coming from. All hits must come from your own webpage(s). You are not authorized to use Webtwo B.V.'s name, URL or anything associated with Webtwo B.V. or its websites outside of your website(s). 2. No spam will be tolerated. Should Webtwo B.V. receive complaints due to unsolicited emails sent by or via you, you will be on our blacklist. your account will be terminated immediately and payment will be void. This condition applies to, but is not limited to, newsgroup postings, email links, etc. You are also not allowed to open the website in a pop up window or in a console. As our dialer is intergrated in our programs, the word "free" is not allowed in your advertising methods. 3 You may not promote our ETA-Cash program on sites displaying child pornography "actual" or "suggested", molestation, beastiality, rape/torture, hate crimes/hate propaganda, any references to "Lolita", "Pre-Teen" and "youngest", any URL names implying any unqualified content or any other sites displaying illegal material, password selling or trading. Nor may you promote our ETA-Cash program on any other non-adult web sites unless you have received an authorization before doing so from Webtwo B.V. If you not do so, your account will be terminated and the payment void. 4. If you cheat anywhere on the Webtwo B.V. network, you will loose all accounts in all programs and will not be allowed to gain access to new accounts. Credit card fraud is closely monitored and will not be tolerated by Webtwo B.V.. Misleading advertising by you will be considered as cheating. This includes, but is not limited to, blind links, text links, thumbnail banners, 'popups', etc. In the event that any sort of mechanism that falsely generates hits and/or signups to the website is detected by Webtwo B.V., you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and earnings will not be paid. 5. Webtwo B.V. makes no warranties, either express or implied, with regard to the performance of the link or the content of Webtwo B.V.'s Site(s) and Webtwo B.V. expressly disclaims any warranties, including that of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Webtwo B.V. shall not be held liable to you or any other entity, including users of Webtwo B.V.'s services, for any losses, injuries or damages of any kind, arising from or in connection with any mistakes, omissions, delays, errors, interruptions in the transmission or receipt of Webtwo B.V.'s services or content. However, Webtwo B.V. will do it's utmost to prefend such occasion. ETA-Cash PROGRAMS: Partnership Program: In this program the dialer is integrated. The payout varies per country and can fluctuate without prior notice. Our dialerstats are updated daily. PAYMENTS: 1. The earnings due to you are calculated by Webtwo B.V.. You can see the amount owed to you in the statistics section of ETA-Cash. 2. All payments will be made in USD currency. The payment period is the end of each month. Payments are sent by Webtwo B.V. within 5 days of the end of a payment period. No payment for less than $ 150 will be issued unless otherwise requested by you. Unpaid earnings are carried to the following payment period. The payments are made by wire transfer.For payments made by wire a $ 25.00 fee will be deducted from the total amount. 3. Using a fake payout name or filling out the application with false information is considered as a fraud (especially if you are caught cheating in another account). Webtwo B.V. reserves the right to close ALL the accounts and void the payment if you are caught cheating with one of these accounts. In the event that Webtwo B.V. detects any sort of fraud made by you, Webtwo B.V. will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. 4. If ETA-Cash is closed by Webtwo B.V., you will be notified and will be paid for all earnings generated up to that point in time, except in cases where it is determined that you have cheated by violating these terms and conditions. 5. If you want to close a publicity account, you must contact Webtwo B.V. and request for your account to be closed. In this case, Webtwo B.V. will pay for all earnings generated up to that point in time, except in cases where it is determined that you have cheated by violating these terms and conditions. CHANGES TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Webtwo B.V. reserves the right to terminate this agreement or transfer an account from a publicity program to another at any time, for any reason, including, but not restricted to, profitability. In any case, you will be notified and will be paid for all earnings generated up to that point in time, except in cases where it is determined that you have cheated by violating these terms and conditions. 2. If any of the conditions need to be changed, or new conditions added, Webtwo B.V. will post a notice on your statistic page. You will then have fourteen (14) days to respect the new condition should it apply to you before Webtwo B.V. starts enforcing it. If you don't respect the new condition after the said delay, your account will be terminated. http://businesscenter.ccbill.com/html_forms/aupt.html |